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All the Platinum Jubilee events here.  Afterwards I will post the photos of the same!

Zeal Monachorum Platinum Jubilee Front Gate Competition

If you would like to take part in the decorated house or gate competition, don’t forget to register with Ali Birchwhite at millardals (at) aol.com or ring her on 07753 749714 by Saturday 21 May 2022. NOTE: Only registered households will be judged and appear on the map. The prize - a lovely family hamper – will be awarded at the Big Jubilee lunch on Sunday 5 June. Even if you do not wish to enter the Front Gate Competition, please feel free to put up some bunting etc. to help the village celebrate in style!


The Jubilee Beacon - 9pm on Thursday 2 June 2022

A free finger buffet for village residents will be available at the Waie Inn from 6.30pm, followed by a commemorative tree-planting at around 8pm. This will take place on the front lawn at the Waie Inn and the planting will be done by some of our oldest residents. After that, we will all walk up Town Hill together to see the Beacon being lit at about 9pm by the winners of our poster competition, this will be in Drummer’s field, behind Churchill Gardens. If you need transport up the hill please contact Jan Summers, 82571, no later than midday on 2 June.


Zeal Monachorum History Exhibition 2022 - Thursday 2 & Friday 3 June, 10.30am to 5.00pm

FREE ENTRY - drop by for 5 minutes, an hour or as long as you like. Will you find yourself, your relatives, your ancestors, your house, your favourite walk or just enjoy charming, quirky photos and snippets of history about the parish, such as the origin of the name? Maybe you have an old photo or something else of interest about Zeal Monachorum which you could share for the exhibition? If so, get in touch with Erica 01363 82606, reden (at) rocketmail.com

As part of the History Exhibition, Isabel Harris is calling on all farmers past and present - anyone who wishes to send her a brief history of their farm or former farm. Please send details together with any relevant documents or photographs of interest to the address below. She asks that you scan your photos and send with any written information via email to nymphayes (at) btconnect.com, or post to her at Nymphayes Farm, Zeal Monachorum, Crediton, Devon. EX17 6DT. She is also willing to collect, copy and return any photographs or documents. Please contact her on 82343 by 21 May.


Door-Step/Garden Gate/Yard Event - Thursday 2 June (or Friday 3 June if wet)

Give away / sell / raise funds for charity – anything and everything. Start now to put to one side the clutter you no longer want [one person’s junk is another person’s treasure], grow plants, make items for sale etc. Householders can decide for themselves whether to give away, sell, or raise money for a good cause. Opening times will be between 10am and 3pm according to the individual house-holder. Those taking part who would like to be shown on a location map to be posted around the village must contact Erica on 82606, email: reden (at) rocketmail.com at the latest by Sunday 29 May. People can still participate regardless of whether they are on the map. An extra attraction will be worth a visit on this day - take a rare opportunity to visit the Bramble Junction railway – see story on Page 6.


Jubilee Family Fun Dog Show -1.30pm, Friday 3 June at the Waie Inn

For this family-friendly event, there will be 11 fun classes including:

1. Fabulous Fella

2. Prettiest bitch

3. Best puppy up to 1 year

4. Golden Oldie – best dog over 10 years

5. Best 6 legs

6. Best trick/talent

7. Best child handler

8. Dog Egg & Spoon (dog on lead/adults)

9. Dog Egg & Spoon (dog on lead/children)

10. Consolation class, for dogs who haven’t won anything,

11. Best in Show (all 1st Rosette winners)

[no dogs in season please]

We are very grateful to Tuckers Country Store, Crediton for sponsoring the show, and to Sara Thurgood who will judge the classes. £1 per entry and rosettes to 4th place. This promises a great afternoon’s entertainment so come along and support or just enjoy the fun even if you haven’t got a dog.


WI Jubilee Tea Party - Saturday 4 June 2022, 3pm at the Village Hall

Numbers are limited to 60 so please book early for this event, see page 7 for all the important details.


Big Jubilee Lunch – from 1pm on Sunday 5 June

The Big Jubilee Lunch in Churchill Gardens will round off our village Jubilee celebrations. Please bring your own food and drink, but please do not bring glasses. Plates, plastic glasses and cutlery will be provided as will tables and chairs. We hope also to have some musical entertainment to help things go with a swing.



As usual click on a thumbnail to get a larger image

360 deg at the Waie Inn


360deg of beacon







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This page was last updated 08-Jul-2024

This site is provided and managed by Mike Bostock on behalf of the community of Zeal Monachorum

Contact:  Mike Bostock < >