Village Hall


Parish Council
Village Hall
Women's Institute
Parish Mag Archive
Fishing Club
Photo Gallery
Lost and Found
Dog Show 23




A warm welcome awaits all visitors at Zeal Monachorum Village Hall – why not pay us a visit.


Zeal Monachorum Village Hall has plenty of history - built in 1850 as a school, it closed in 1956 after which members of the community contributed money to buy the hall from the Education Authority. In 1957 a charitable trust was set up with a Management Committee made up of people elected at the Annual General Meeting and representatives of community groups.  AGMs are held each November and are open to the public; any village resident may attend and offer themselves for election to the committee.

Our regular activities include weekly coffee mornings, a monthly market, film nights and bingo sessions. Social events through the year include flower & produce shows, quiz nights, boules competitions and more. The WI and Parish Council hold their meetings in the hall.

The current members of the Committee are:

Chair: Erica Eden

Secretary: Jan Summers

Treasurer: Mike Bostock

Simon Allanson-Bailey; Martin Down; Margaret Harris; Sue Down; Claire Lewis; Delia Wainwright

Parish Council rep Peter Heal

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The committee is, at present, exploring ideas for improvements which will bring the building up to a more modern standard. Suggestions are welcomed for new activities and improvements to the Village Hall – just contact any committee member.

Address: Eastern Road, Zeal Monachorum, Crediton, Devon

There is an email list to alert subscribers to village hall events and news.  If you wish to subscribe send an email here.

Form for receipts.

a) Plain for printing

b) PDF form for email transfer



If you wish to book the Village Hall please use this form.

Terms and conditions are here.


What's on!

  •  Saturday 13 July 10-11.30 Village Market

  •  Saturday 7 September Autumn Vegetable, Flower and  Homecraft Show (see schedule)







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This page was last updated 03-Jul-2024

This site is provided and managed by Mike Bostock on behalf of the community of Zeal Monachorum

Contact:  Mike Bostock < >